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Carlos, home cerca dones solteres: buscar homes solters a Chiclayo

buscar homes solters amb foto com Carlos
  •  Carlos
  • 37 anys
  • 1 foto
Chiclayo, Lambayeque, Perú
Busco: dones solteres
Per: buscar parella, conèixer amics
I hope to meet the ideal person, although it does not exist or is too complicated but I still believe that it will be somewhere and that we still have not met, I am very honest and kind, loving, I hate lies, there is nothing better than true . I hope to meet a beautiful American (all are) with whom to share many beautiful things and to be able to offer my warmth and my caresses and attention.

Buscar homes solters a mobifriends és gratis, molt fàcil i divertit.

A mobifriends pots xatejar gratis, buscar homes solters, veure les seves fotos i perfils, enviar-les missatges, mobis (divertits missatges animats), o xatejar amb el video xat, quan vulguis i des d’on vulguis, a través d’Internet i telèfons mòbils.

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